Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Rite

This was actually a very cool movie for me to see for a couple of reasons. Number one, I have always been interested in exorcisms and this was really cool to watch something that was based on true events. Of course, the movie wasn't necessarily a thriller as in pop out scary stuff, but it was a bit disturbing. I thoroughly enjoyed it though.

The really cool thing was that I actually met, interviewed and filmed the priest whom this entire movie was based on. He told me that many things in the movie actually happened in real life such as when the girl puked nails while being possessed. He said he never saw that happen, but a fellow exorcist of his had seen this happen in Rome.

I am also Catholic so I love learning more about my religion, especially through a more dramatic way.

Basically in this movie, a man goes to become a priest, namely an exorcist and is approached with a case of a demon possessed girl. She was pregnant and his first case. This young priest never believed in what he was doing and did everything halfheartedly. He was mentored under an older exorcist (played by Anthony Hopkins-brilliant actor) who became possessed by the demon himself. The young priest then had to embrace everything he learned and actually admit that this was a reality and not just a simple case of a mental person deluding themselves into thinking that they were possessed. He saves his mentor and has a new perspective on life.

I loved this movie although it was a little slow at the beginning. But now, I have been inspired. I really want to take a class on exorcisms even though I know that I will never have the guts to actually attend one. I can barely stand watching one on the TV let alone in real life...Creepy stuff man....

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