Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Last Exorcism


I am a huge horror movie junkie, so I made it my mission to watch every horror movie out there, whether truly frightening or just plain lame.

This movie was actually very slow at the beginning, not very interesting. In fact it did not get interesting until the late middle, when all the creepy exorcism and possession things actually started happening. I feel as if they tried to achieve what Paranormal Activity did by filming it as a "documentary" but it didn't quite provoke the same effect.

This movie actually had good potential, I just wish it had been executed a little better. Other than that, I loved the creepy parts (I kind of lived for them). My favorite scene of the entire movie has to be the ending, where the girl actually has the demon's baby and the cult of possessed people kill the camera crew and the docmentarian person. And they all seemed like such nice people...

I applaud the main actress, the girl who was "possessed", for her flexibility skills. When it came to acting like she was, that girl really knows how to make herself seem boneless... Would I recommend this movie...meh, if you are a junkie like me and don't really care what you watch as long as it is under "horror" then yeah go ahead, but otherwise, don't waste your time. You're not missing anything.

Once again, trying to find pictures for horror movies does not sit well with me...just saying.

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