Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Born Into Brothels


I love to watch documentaries and I have actually made two of my own. This documentary, Born Into Brothels, is my favorite documentary. It is about a woman named Briski (a photographer) who goes to the red-light district of Calcutta and befriends the children of prostitutes and drug sellers. She teaches them how to take photos, giving them each a camera.

She shows how she tries her best to keep these children from following in their parent's footsteps and how she tries to help them towards a better life. In fact she did improve the lives of some of the children, even being able to send some to boarding schools where they would be able to recieve a good education instead of having to be forced into prostitution or some other illegal business. There, they will build life skills that they will need to survive.

This was a beautiful documentary with so much meaning behind it. It really shows the life that many have to go through. We live in a very beautiful country and we have so much at our disposal in the USA. Even the homeless people on the streets here have more than the urchin children of India will ever have. This documentary really brings everything into perspective and shows us how we can change the world.

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