A frenzy that swept the nation...Vampires and werewolves seemed to have taken over reality, dragging twi-hard fans into another world. Females of all ages envy Bella, wishing to take her place...being able to be the object of affection for both Edward Cullen, (Robert Pattinson) the gorgeous vampire and Jacob Black, the young and hot werewolf.
I was one of those people who sat back and made fun of Twilight Fans. I absolutely despised the books and the movies, even though I never watched any of the movies. To me, Bella was such a Mary Sue! I criticized the style of writing for the books and set them aside, determined never to set eyes on them again. But recently, I began to search for new movies to watch. I was bored and couldn't think of any good ones...and that's when I happened to glance at my old Twilight book. It got me thinking. It wouldn't hurt to watch all the movies would it? I was bored after all. So I gave it a chance. I watched all four movies so far:
I have to admit, the first three movies were okay. But my favorite was Breaking Dawn. This is where everyone's characters really come out. I thought it was amazingly made and I have to admit that this was an extremely beautiful movie. Bella (Kristen Stewart) actually acts amazingly! I give her props for being able to pull off the "extremely starved" and "skin and bones" look while acting through the pregnancy period. The computer effects to achieve her gaunt look were out of this world! The soundtrack is beautiful and strong. I am not a Twilight fan, nor am I ever going to join a Team Edward or Team Jacob feud, but I have to admit that Breaking Dawn really redeemed the whole Twilight saga in my eyes... and that's coming from a cold hearted person who used to ridicule Twilight! (oh and if any, I would be on Team Charlie...he has the best line ever- "I know he's going to be a good husband...because I'm a cop...and cops know things..." *chuckle*)
I think what really did it for me was the music- Bella's lullaby. The last scene in Breaking Dawn, where Bella's transformation of human to vampire is coming to an end, is the most beautiful and heartwarming scene. I think its brilliant how they make all her memories come back, starting from her pregnancy and moving back to when she herself was a baby. And then they ended it with all the venom pouring into her heart. Everyone looks up and her eyes open. She's a vampire. It was really good and I never thought that I would say this, but yes...I am eagerly awaiting for the arrival of Breaking Dawn: part 2 coming out on November 16. For all you Twilight scoffers and haters out there, I would just say to give the movies a chance...Kristen Stewart can actually act!
P.S. This is the song I fell in love with. Even if you hate Twilight the movie and books, give the song a chance. It might change your mind :)
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