Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fire in the Sky

What will they look like? Will they be able to communicate with us? Will they be friendly or dangerous? Where will they come from? Do they really exist?

These are the questions man has asked concerning the existence of aliens, for a while now. We want aliens to exist so badly but we fear what they might be like. Some people claim that the government is hiding aliens, that they were abducted or that they saw flying saucers. Most of these stories are hoaxes or just desperate pleas for attention except for one. The story of Travis Walton.

Amidst all the alien abduction stories, Travis Walton's story is one of the most convincing ones out there. All witness accounts match up and his story seems legit. That's probably why Paramount picked up his story and turned it into a movie.

Yes...that is definitely Nute Gunray
This movie is supposed to be a scifi/horror movie and I have to admit that it fulfilled both very well. It wasn't a downright terrifying movie, but the flasbacks to Travis' abduction did make me want to throw up a little. For those who have never seen an alien, the ones in the movies are quite interesting. I think they're supposed to be scary looking but they were not that scary to me. After all, I am addicted to Star Wars so I have seen close to 100 different species of aliens. First thought when I saw the aliens- "Oh my gosh...Nute Gunray from Star Wars does exist!"

Anyways, everyone acted very well although I heard that Paramount exaggerated Travis' story quite a bit. The way this movie was filmed was from an interesting point of view. It wasn't from Travis' point of view on being abducted. Rather, it was more about what happened down on Earth while Travis had been abducted. In that way, the flashbacks to the abduction seemed even more interesting.

Overall, I loved this movie and would definitely not mind watching it again. If you are an alien geek who loves space stuff and everything to do with the seemingly impossible, or if you are a prospective member of SETI, I totally recommend watching this movie.

It really encapsulates the one question in every human being's mind.

Are we really alone in the universe?

If you are really interested in Travis Walton's story, check out his website : 

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